The God in the Mirror


Have you ever felt like you have no purpose, or maybe that you are evolving into someone else you really don’t intend to be. I believe I just went through a season where I literally felt like everyone was trying to create their own version of Joivan. I felt like everybody was giving me great advice about life, but instead I found myself going through many unwanted roads. I felt as if I was becoming different clones of the people around me. I’ll be completely honest, the people around me may see me as confident, secure, and like I’ve got it all together, which in part I do. I have accomplished so many goals in life, but there is still a side of me that questions my purpose or the direction I’m taking. In this last season I had to reassure exactly where I wanted to go in life and in ministry, or else, I would have been heading towards other people’s directions and expectations. Here is the lesson; “You must know where you want to go or you’ll be lead to an unwanted place.” 

In this confusing season I lost sight of who I was, I lost sight of whom I had become. I am a firm believer that we are the results of our environment. Our experiences, victories and failures have shaped us into who we are today. I reached a point where I loved who I had become, but I slowly began to fade away from that. I became bitter, confused, and insecurity was creeping in through the back window.  I believe that for every season God supplies us with uplifting verses, and here is mine:

Psalm 37:23 (KJV)

23 ” The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” 

The other day I was listening to Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror” song. Pretty profound if you were to ask me. As I pondered more on the lyrics I realized more and more how I had to reflect on me. Where was I standing? Who was I really? God declares to us that our steps and future are directed by him, but I questioned, “Am I really righteous?” “Am I a good person?” Everybody surely desires to be good.

Against all inner struggle I had to look at myself in the mirror and remind myself that I am a good person. So how do I know that I’m a good person? The word says in

Matthew 7:16A(NKJV)

 “You will know them by their fruits.”

So what kind of fruits are you bearing. I encourage you today to study your fruits. What are people saying about you?  Instead of listening and believing the whispers and the lie, stand on God’s word and believe the good fruit, not just the fruit.

I’m good because God my father says I’m good and because of the sacrifice that God did for me at the cross. Therefore my steps are ordered by God. And guess what? He delights in my ways. Many times the enemy will whisper the total opposite of who we are. He’ll whisper we are bad people, liars, unfair, unworthy. And here are the big ones: That we are not important and that nobody loves us. It doesn’t matter who you think you are, choose today to be the person in the mirror. And who is that? The reflection and the split image of God. When God looks at us, he sees himself. So in all truth the man in the mirror is actually the God in the mirror. Don’t misinterpret the message, we are not gods, but we are his sons and daughters.

When I look at my kids, I see how much they look like me and I also see their greatness not their weakness. When you look at yourself in the mirror remind yourself of who you are, and who you belong to. My pastor always says that the greatest privilege we have is simply knowing that we are sons and daughters of God. Today surround yourself with people who will let you be you, full of God, and not their clones. If you find yourself in this position, run away from anger, bitterness and in making yourself the victim. Choose love. You can’t ever go wrong with love and having a close circle of advisors. The Bible says in

Proverbs 15:22 (MSG)

“22 Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail;
    take good counsel and watch them succeed.” 


I have good news, you are good, God loves you and has a great plan for you life!

4 thoughts on “The God in the Mirror

  1. What a post! It was so transparent of you to admit that even as a father, you don’t always have it together. Wow. yes. Identity is a struggle at times but you give great advice. When you feel most free is when you are being you. Environment , friends , family , church , and even workplace play a part. If you feel bound to being someone else, get away. Who you are is enough. Thank God for that conformation.


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